Initial Post

It all started with Photobucket changing their usage agreement.  I had been hosting project images and other photos on there for years, and pretty much overnight all my image links broke, unless I upgraded to a $500 a year plan.  I decided I'd spend about the same money I'd been spending on my Photobucket account and have a full web site that I controlled, so my digital destiny would be in my own hands.

I'm not sure how much I'll really want to post, or even if anyone cares to read what I write.  Like the projects I do, and the tools that I buy, I do this for the enjoyment of doing it and possibly helping others.  I plan on writing about new projects as I do them, and will work backwards and describe some of my past projects to fill for when I don't have anything new.

Most of my posts on here will focus on tools and things made with them.  I do have other interests, so don't be surprised if there are some posts that seem to stray somewhat.

Welcome aboard!


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